Work Culture

30 Years at Vorum

30 Years at Vorum

One year ago we held a celebration marking 30 years of innovation in CAD/CAM solutions for O&P facilities worldwide. As a small company, it is interesting to note that several of the people who initially joined the company in 1989 are still contributing to our success today. Bob Sabiston, Anna Kraus, Ed Grochowski, and our founder, Carl Saunders, were all in attendance at the small celebration we held on May 1st, 2019 at our headquarters in Vancouver, Canada.

They reminisced about the early days of the company where computing power and memory had a limiting effect on the ideas they wanted to implement in the original Canfit™ software. Eighteen versions of our software later and we are still pushing the boundaries of what is capable in the modern laptops and desktops available on the market today.  

Carl Saunders mentioned that when he first had the opportunity to start Vorum “we had no idea where this was going to lead. I was able to offer 8-month contracts to each of the early employees but couldn’t promise anything beyond that.” The idea of adopting a digital solution in clinics was still very new and it was difficult to see whether the governing bodies of this industry would see CAD/CAM as a process to truly improve the patient experience.  

“We were building off of an idea, one that challenged conventional approach… it was difficult to predict how soon the industry would be ready to make this change with us” said Carl

Over 30 years later, we’ve since seen a global shift in the digitalization of many fields and CAD/CAM is widely adopted, even incorporated into many Orthotic & Prosthetic programs at educational institutes around the world.

Many of the customers that signed on with us in those early days still credit the growth and longevity of their business with the adoption of CAD/CAM technology.  “I invested as an early technology adopter in 1993” said Johan Steenwyk, one of a handful of custom shoemakers based in Canada. “My business operations have changed over the years and now I outsource my production, which I was only confident in because of the access to digital solutions.”  

The past 30 years would not have been possible without the confidence that high-level practitioners all over the world built in our solution and their trust to move to a digital solution that they knew would elevate their patient offering. On behalf of everyone at Vorum, thank you to all our customers who have trusted our products and allowed us in to your facilities to help you grow your business. You’ve shared with us some remarkable stories of the ways you’ve been able to have a lasting positive impact on the patients that you’ve fitted with a custom device designed using Vorum’s solutions.  

We invite you to join us in celebrating over 30 years of Vorum at our upcoming trade shows. Our soonest trade show will be AOPA in September, hosted virtually, so do visit our booth online. If you’d like more information about our solutions, please contact us at [email protected]