
Vorum’s commitment to ensuring successful integration of digital solutions in any orthotics and prosthetics production setting

Set Goals
Determine the goal you hope to achieve with our digital solutions.
Identify Milestones
Work together with us to establish your target metrics.
Status Checks
Engage with our status checks and let us know how we can further support you.
We'll bring the champagne.

When you engage in SurePath, you will achieve your business goal within one year’s time.

Examples of our customer goals

100 %
Faster AFO turnaround times
100 %
Digital use for TT socket fabrication
88 %
Reduced modification time for TLSOs

Trust us. It works.

...the SurePath approach keeps us focused and guides us along as we incorporate the new tools into our daily practice. I know guys at several facilities that bought CAD/CAM from other vendors over the years and got fed up and stopped using the system. It’s different with Vorum, who stayed in touch and helped us make sure we were doing what we were supposed to be doing, and consequently achieving all of our goals and getting the promised benefits from our investment.