The globally preferred choice by clinics of all sizes
Reliable Service
Large Carving Volume
Industry leading carve capacity
Vorum's industrial grade 3-Axis Carver reigns supreme in the O&P industry by offering the largest carving volume in its class at a whopping 39" length x 28" diameter.
The only O&P carver that lets you reuse a carved blank
Want to get the most out of your blocks? With the Vorum 3-Axis Carver, you can carve multiple shapes in a single cycle to reduce turnaround time and material waste. Not only that, but you can also reuse any mold for another opportunity at carving smaller patient shapes to make further use of that single block.
User Friendly
Simple and easy-to-use controls
All Vorum carvers are fast, accurate, easy to operate, and built to last. They work as an integral part of the Vorum CAD/CAM solution for O&P: simply import the Canfit 3D design file for your mold, load a carving blank, and press "Start." In minutes, a complex prosthetic or orthotic mold is ready for fabrication.
Reliable and Trusted
The carver with a dependable 10+ year lifespan
Did you know that we have 3-Axis Carvers all over the world that have been running at full capacity for over a decade?
Known as the first O&P 3-axis carver in the industry, this high quality machine excels in giving our customers the peace of mind when it comes to reliability and support in their fabrication process.