Event Details
Our booth number: 719
OPA Conference: https://aopaassembly2023.eventscribe.net/
Time: 10:30 am – 12:30 p.m. (2 hours)
Room: JW Grand Ballroom 4
Title: Vorum Digital Workflow Innovations To Support Your Clinical Success
Description: Learn how Vorum’s digital workflow can improve your clinical success by providing better fitting devices in less time. Let us walk you though the latest innovations in scanning, device design, and manufacturing, and understand how clinical leaders in the industry have leveraged these new tools to achieve their business goals.
- David Collins – Spinal Technology Inc.
- Renee Lewis – Friddles Orthopedic Appliances
- Brad Mattear – Shriners Hospitals for Children
- Nadine Ayoubi – Vorum
Date: Saturday, September 9, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm – 2:00pm (2 hours)
ICC Room: 120
Description: Back by Popular Demand! The O&P Digital Care Showcase will
be a hands on event to learn about computer-based 3D design
software tools utilizing a provided prosthetic and/or orthotic
patient case (the patient file, 3D scan, and positive model),
exhibitors will present a fabricated mold, device, or 3D print.
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About Vorum
Over 30 years ago, Vorum became the first company dedicated to the development of computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) solutions for the design and fabrication of custom orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) devices.
Since that time, we have been first to develop every major technical advancement in the field. Today, thousands of prosthetists and orthotists at over 800 facilities in 45 countries have supplanted messy plaster-casting methods with a digital approach that uses our non-contact optical shape scanners, 3D design software, automated mold carvers, and 3D printing solutions.